The spiritual world of perfume packaging

Editor's Note: When people mention perfumes, people naturally think of elegance and luxury. It is true that only the nobles of high society can use perfumes. Today, people's preference and use of perfumes have undergone changes in concepts and habits. Men and women who hold modern ideas are no longer seeing perfumes as mysterious and far away. They boldly approached the perfume, tried its aroma, appreciated its personality, and chose its own brand. Today's perfume is no longer a luxury, it is dotted with the colors of life, interpretation of the taste of life.

As the weather began to heat up, more and more people began to use perfumes to create a fresh fragrance. At the same time, with the improvement of people's sense of beautifying life and the continuous improvement of perfume manufacturing technology, people can now enjoy more than 5,000 kinds of perfume products.

Into all major shopping malls we can find that the most eye-catching than the perfume, in these wide variety of cosmetics, the most exciting and most attractive merchandise is of course perfume. It not only has the scent of sweethearts, but also the exquisite and elegant style of perfume bottles and perfume packaging. It attracts numerous consumers and makes people feel nostalgic. It is also often touched by the spiritual design of this section.

Therefore, from the bottle design and packaging design of world-famous perfumes, packaging design plays a decisive role in the promotion of a perfume brand. Therefore, next we will approach the fascinating world of perfume and feel the beauty of the perfume bottle and its packaging design!

Perfume bottle design and packaging >>>

Perfume "Fashion" is a popular, a taste, perfume, a memory, a personality; when you want to show taste, show personality, and even create memories, perfume becomes a classic immortal choice.

Well, packaging is a particularly important factor if you want to make perfume quickly attract the attention of consumers. Therefore, it is determined to create a package that gives a fresh, fluid, feminine brand impression and looks and feels like the perfume itself.

The modern perfume bottle design fully applies the glass forming process achievement, combines the glass decoration craftsmanship with the modern artistic design, and the current common design thinking of the perfume bottle modeling is as follows:

(1) Uniqueness: With the help of artificial blowing glass, each product has a chance and is a distinctive handicraft. The shape of each bottle in a batch of perfume is not exactly the same, this way can meet a small number of people in the modern society to pursue a unique psychological, highlighting the pursuit of personality.

(2) Processability: With the development of science and technology, new processing technologies emerge in an endless stream. Designers continue to explore the effects of more colorful technologies to attract consumers' attention.

(3) Artistic: Rich three-dimensional structure, transforming the infinite color and personality of the personality, so that designers have unlimited creative space. In a small perfume bottle, each design element is fully utilized.

In short, in the field of perfume bottle design and production, glass and its processing technology, decoration process, and bottle cap design have become the design elements of designers. The perfect shape of the bottle filled with high-quality perfume, people's senses - the sense of smell, vision and touch in a good state of combination, in order to meet the consumer's pleasure and aesthetic taste, this is the perfume of this consumer product for thousands of years It is the root of development and development.

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