Section 4 pulp molded products
one. Pulp molded products introduced
1. Characteristics of Pulp Molded Products (1) "Green Packaging"
(2) The source of raw materials is wide and the cost is low.
(3) high strength, good plasticity and cushioning performance.
(4) light weight, recycling costs, can be repeated use.
(5) Protection, interchangeability and mounting performance are good.
(6) Good resistance to bending and cracking (tearing).
(7) Good air permeability.
(8) High speed automatic mass production.
(9) Good water absorption, hydrophobicity, and heat insulation.
2. Applications of Pulp Molded Products (1) Egg trays (2) Fruit trays (3) Industrial trays (4) Fresh food packaging trays (5) Agricultural pulp molded products (6) Specialty pulp molded products
I. Production Status of Pulp Molded Products
II. Pulp molding process
1. Pulp molded product manufacturing process
Pulp molding manufacturing process route is:
(1) Waste paper sorting (2) Pulping (3) Sizing (4) Concentration blending (5) Product forming
1) Forming of flat products
2) Molding of three-dimensional products (6) Dehydration and demolition (7) Drying
2. Paper Molding Methods Paper Molding methods include:
(1) There are ordinary molding methods and precision molding methods depending on the precision of the product.
1) Ordinary molding
2) Precision Molding Method (2) According to the equipment principle, there are three types: vacuum forming method, hydraulic forming method and compressed air forming method.
1) Vacuum forming method
2) Hydroforming
3) Compressed air molding
3. Paper Molding and Processing Equipment(1) Plain Paper Molding Machine(2) Egg Box Special Machine(3) Vertical Molding Machine(4) Beloite Molding Machine(5) Molding Product Line Introduction
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