NH4 + efflux and GMPase activity regulate apical growth inhibited by hyperamines

NH4 + is the main source of nitrogen, not only the necessary nutrients for living cells, but also a common intermediate product in the metabolic process. However, excessive amounts of NH4 + cause severe poisoning to plants. The growth of plant roots is sensitive to high amines. NH4 + is necessary for the growth of primary roots, but high amines can inhibit root growth. The mechanism of this inhibition has not been clearly explained. In 2010, Shi Weiming and others from the Nanjing Institute of Soil Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, used non-damage micro-measurement technology combined with a root zone-based treatment system to study the mechanism of high amine toxicity. It was found that high amine inhibits the growth of primary roots, the key is to inhibit cell division, but the original cells can also elongate. Through mutation and expression of DR5: GUS, it was found that growth inhibition is independent of auxin and ethylene signal transduction. The flow rate of NH4 + was measured along the primary roots using non-damage micro-measurement technology, and it was found that increasing the concentration of NH4 + outside stimulated a large amount of NH4 + outflow in the elongation zone, and the root elongation was also suppressed. This NH4 + outflow is more pronounced in the hypersensitive mutant vtc1-1 and is lacking in GMPase mutants. Therefore, limiting the transmembrane NH4 + flow and the function of GMPase can significantly reduce the Arabidopsis response to NH4 + toxicity. This work provides a theoretical explanation for the ammonium salt poisoning of plants, and it has a very important reference value for understanding nutrient absorption and other abiotic stresses. Keywords: ammonium toxicity; cell elongation; flow rate (Flux); non-damaging micro-measurement technology (SIET) Reference: Li Q et al. Plant, Cell & Environment, 2010, 33: 1529-1542

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