Computation of RGB Values ​​of Complementary Colors of Colors

To calculate the complementary color of a color, first obtain the RGB value of the color, and subtract 255 from your existing RGB value.

For example pure yellow: r255 g255 b0

Then by calculating r(255-255) g(255-255) b(255-0)

The complementary color is: r0 g0 b255 is pure blue

Note: Only use 255 (2 to the 8th power) in 8-bit channel mode, and use 65535 (2 to the 16th power) to reduce in 16-channel mode.

By default, Photoshop uses 8-bit channel mode, which can display 16.77 million colors (256 x 256 x 256), which exceeds the total number of colors that the human eye can distinguish (so it is also called true color), so a higher channel level is visible to the naked eye. It seems no difference.

PU L Shape Sofa

  • The living room Sectional Sofa set is features a solid wood and finished with luxurious top grain leather upholstery throughout.Built-in high density sponge,sitting for a long time is not tired, does not collapse, slow rebound.
  • Small space configurable sectional;Fashion L-Shaped sectional design to allow for spacious seating.
  • Corner Sofa features:Generous armrest can be used as a headrest;Thick cushion, soft and comfortable, relieve fatigue;Full and mellow reclining comfort padded backrest and headrest;The metal feet are firm and stable, providing a strong support for the sofa
  • The contemporary sectional couch with an extra wide chaise lounge for maximum comfort,a great choice for home furniture. Ultra soft and durable chaise lounge sofa improve home decoration and quality of life.
  • 2 seat sofa with chaise longue,sitting and lying down are natural and relaxing; The shipment will be delivered downstairs only,without installation service

PU L Shape Sofa,Small L Shaped Sofa,Corner Sectional Sofa, Stationary L Shape Sofa

Kaifeng Lanwei Smart Home Co., Ltd ,