The positioning design of the box

The term "positioning design" was introduced from abroad. Its English name is Position Design. Position means position and direction, and Design means design. Therefore, positioning design refers to the design of a clear goal and solves the problem of the design method. In packaging design, specific consumer groups can be emphasized, and the quality of the product can be emphasized, or a particular function of the product can be emphasized, and the color and decorative pattern of the package can also be highlighted. Clearly summarized as "accurately communicate product information to consumers, leaving a deep impression on consumers."

1. Color

Color can be used to express the image of a product or company, creating a strong visual impact that impresses consumers. For example, "Peach K oral liquid" packaging, using a large number of red combinations, giving the public a strong visual impact.

1.1 Trademark Positioning

"Trademark" refers to the brand of the product itself, which indicates to the consumer who "I am." Whether it is a familiar product or an unfamiliar product, the positioning of the brand name is very important. In the design we have to consider the following three factors.

1.2 Product Positioning

Product positioning refers to “what is the product”, which allows consumers to quickly identify the product's attributes, usage, functions and grades. Product positioning design can be divided into three aspects.

1. Product origin

From the origin can clearly indicate the source and region of the product, designers in the design process can be integrated into the local customs, geographical features, etc., so as to add a unique ethnic local characteristics of the product, so that consumers feel comfortable buying.

2. Product features

The characteristics of the product will attract consumers to purchase. In the design process, the designer can convey the visual effect according to the characteristics of the product. For example, Coca-Cola is rich in carbonic acid gas, and the pattern composed of many bubbles can be seen in the package.

3. Positioning the product for product use is also very common in packaging design. For example, “Sweet-Eye Eye Drops” highlights the eye area, which shows the use of the drug very directly and concisely.

1.3 Consumer Positioning

The consumer's position is simply interpreted as the "sell to whom." We can design according to the different types of consumers. For example, consumer objects can be divided into male or female, and can be divided into the elderly, middle aged, youth, or children. Therefore, these levels can be considered in positioning design.
Furthermore, the positioning design can be based on consumer psychology. The packaging design should be considered based on different psychological and aesthetic perspectives of the consumers, causing different consumers' buying interest.

2. Graphics

The graphic refers to the package's decorative pattern or auxiliary graphics, combined with the color to better play the visual recognition effect of the package. The graphic includes a trademark image and series of icons. For example, the ice and tea leaves on the "unified ice tea" bottle convey the characteristics of the goods to consumers.

3. Text

Text plays a key role in packaging and is another method of distinguishing between other goods. It is common to use text to do the packaging of trademarks. However, the fonts must be distorted in design, and they must have individuality to meet the characteristics of the product itself. Commonly used expressions can be used in calligraphy, general font distortion, image font distortion, etc., for example, calligraphy fonts on the "Peach K" package, and "Zhe Run Sports Drink" bottle's variant font.

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