Credit card points are a matter of great concern to many people. The accumulated points earned by credit card can be used to exchange merchandise, airline miles, cash consumption, deductible card fees, etc., which can be used for a lot of money. It can be said that it is very practical. .
Can you know? There is a part of credit card consumption is no points! Xiao Bian deliberately sorted out, mainly in the following situations:
Credit card fee
Such as credit card annual fee, interest and penalty interest, cash advance handling fee, overdue handling fee, late payment fee, overrun fee, etc., the bank will not give points when deducting this part of the fee.
In addition, credit card transfer, deposit (repayment), withholding, payment, cash withdrawal and other transactions are basically not scored (individual bank credit card cash withdrawal transactions have points).
Merchant card transaction with lower rate or zero rate
According to industry regulations, merchants in such real estate, automobile sales, wholesale transactions, public hospitals, public schools, government services, charities and public utilities have lower fees or no handling fees, then cardholders in such merchants By swiping the card, the bank can't make money, and naturally it won't reward the point reward.
Partial network transaction
Most banks do not give credit for online credit card transactions, but as credit card online shopping becomes a trend, many banks reward points for online credit card transactions such as Alipay credit card fast payment. In addition, many banks have launched special cardholders. Credit card products such as online shopping co-branded cards that are consumed online, such credit card network transactions can accumulate points.
Stored value payment transaction
Such as provident fund, tuition fees, various types of recharge.
Non-point consumption by banks
The bank itself may have some self-defined points accumulation rules and no points. For example, China Merchants Bank clearly stipulates that consumer transactions belonging to the specific merchant category of the official website do not participate in the accumulation of credit card points of China Merchants Bank. When you apply for a credit card, you can pay attention to or consult the bank's notes on the points rules.
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