Home decoration bedroom bed is super attention

Needless to say, most of the time in a person's life is spent in sleep. You know, this is the bed that everyone can't live without, and it is also a kind of feng shui. It occupies a very important position in Feng Shui. Whether it is the direction of the bed, the shape of the bed, the height of the bed and the material of the bed, it requires great attention because it can directly affect our health, spirit, or indirectly affect marriage.

Home decoration, bedroom bed is super attention

So what is the feng shui of the bed? The most important thing is that the bed must be chosen. This includes paving the bedding and setting it up... this is called the bed. There is no choice for the bed in the bed, and even the children who sleep on the bed will often have nightmares. It is very likely that they did not use the day when they were in bed. If you don't choose a good day, you will come to the wrong place at the wrong time, and you will have many sequelae. The solution is to move the bed out and move the bed slightly. After cleaning and tidying up, move the bed back to the original position and re-bed the bed at Jiriji. Since then, there should be no nightmare.

The bed is related to the person's sleep state. If the rest is not good, it will naturally affect the state of the next day. If the quality of sleep is not guaranteed, it will seriously affect the health of the body, the state of work and the state of mind. The bed is not well, making it difficult for people to have a good night's sleep. It will only become increasingly weak, embarrassed, powerless, and the efficiency of work will also decline. Not only do women who love beauty want to use beauty to cultivate their beauty, but high-quality sleep can also enable people to start a new day with full and energetic energy, so that they can feel good and have a good body and mind.

The sitting position of the bed must be in the life of the Kyrgyzstan, and its effect of avoiding the evil is quite large. Be sure to have a backing after the bed, not empty, it is best to stick the wall, otherwise it will be illusory and schizophrenic. From the perspective of Feng Shui, when you are in bed, look at the left and right sides, whether there is Zuo Qinglong, right white tiger. Because the Qinglong is happy, the left side is best to go to the entrance, the door, or put on the closet, hanging calligraphy and so on. The white tiger on the right side should be lower, and the left side should be stronger than the right side. Do not put the bed in the center of the room, that is, there are no dependencies on the front, back, left and right sides. Never sleep in this way. The bed has a table or a bedside table on both sides, which means that there are handrails and backings. Singles should not sleep in a lonely position. Married people should not sleep in peach blossoms.

After you have settled in the bed, be careful not to put anything under the bed! Negation will affect the health of the owner. In the eight-character numerology, the bottom of the bed represents the foot of one person, that is, the land of one person. Where the eight-character land is mostly without soil, ugly soil and bauxite, most of the bottom of the bed is full of debris. Someone once placed a bronze iron under the bed, which led to the opening of a knife and a traffic accident.

The ancient book "Zhen Ming Mirror" cloud: "The bed should not be dark to Yiming, but the main murderer." This is to say that the bed should be exposed to yang. It is advisable to see the sun. If there is no window at all in the bedroom, it will be dark and yin. It is not good for health for a long time, and it is easy to cause depression. The light in the bedroom should be soft, and the light in the bedroom is too strong, which makes people feel tempered.

If you want to "fire" yourself, you can install the lamp in the bedside table. If you don't "fire", you don't need to install it. The installation of the bedside lighting depends on whether the person wants to "fire." Those who avoid fire can put an Admiralty on the bedside table, which represents Jinshui.

Nowadays, many people will install a wall lamp on each side of the bed. This pair of wall lamps is not good for wind and water. Because the two lamps represent two blacks, they can be adjusted according to their own conditions.

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