Strictly adhere to the best fitness process to make your weight loss plan more effective

Step 1: Prepare at home

Carbohydrate supplementation is more important, eat something 30 minutes in advance and feel more energetic when doing exercise. Many girls do not think that weight loss should not eat, however, if even the energy of fat metabolism is insufficient, the weight loss effect will be very affected.

Weight loss can be divided into two before and after eating a meal.

   Step 2: Stretching

The purpose of stretching before exercise is to reduce the muscle viscosity, increase the blood flow of the muscles, improve the performance of the exercise, and reduce the occurrence of sports injuries.

   Step 3: Strength Exercise

Junior bodybuilders: In the exercise of strength, equipment training should be the mainstay, supplemented by free weights. Because the fixed device has a certain movement trajectory, it is easier to grasp and the muscle group feels more.

General fitness: You can first perform 20 to 45 minutes of strength training, and then perform 20 to 45 minutes of aerobic training, the overall fitness time is controlled in about 1 hour.

Intermediate and advanced trainers: Properly extend the training time or increase the training intensity according to their own needs.

   Step 4: Organize the movement

Stretch mainly. The method is static stretching, do not bounce up and down.

Each part can be repeated 2 or 3 times, each for 15 to 30 seconds.

In addition, during the training of the device, the group and the group must also stretch the target muscle.

The best fitness program Step 5: Take a bath

   Step 5: Take a bath

Don't rush to take a bath after training. Take a short break and wait until you no longer sweat. Use a warm bath.

The most problematic place in the gym is the sauna room. After intense training, the blood has flowed into the muscles in a large amount. At this time, the sauna, the internal organs and the brain are relatively insufficient in the supply of oxygen and are easily in danger.

   Step 6: Nutritional Meal

Generally, a small meal should be added after the exercise. The main supplement is a small amount of protein, high-glycemic index carbohydrates, minerals, etc.

Muscle builders: Take a fitness dinner for around 1 hour.

Women's bodybuilders and dieters: Should also be properly supplemented with calories.

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