Research on Information Technology Promoting University Student Management Innovation Realization Mechanism

The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "we must strive to do a good job in the education that the people are satisfied with" and "Let the people of Lide as the fundamental task of education." The management of students in colleges and universities is an important part of the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities, and also an important basis for measuring the management level of colleges and universities. With the rapid development of information science and technology, the introduction of modern information technology into student management is an inevitable trend of university management.

First, the background of the study

According to the 32nd "China Internet Development Statistics Report" released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of the end of June 2013, the number of Internet users in China reached 591 million. The netizen middle school student group is the largest occupational group, accounting for 26.8%, while college degree or above accounted for 10.4%. College students are an important group among Chinese netizens. The Internet is not only a convenient tool for them to learn, but also a way of life for them. In the Internet age, traditional thinking behaviors, psychological qualities, and knowledge dissemination methods are facing tremendous impacts and undergo tremendous changes. Modern information technology represented by the Internet has changed the behavior patterns, value orientations, psychological development and moral concepts of college students. The characteristics of the network make the interaction between the educational subjects extremely complicated, and the fundamental elements of the educational elements and organizational forms have undergone fundamental changes. College student management faces unprecedented challenges. We must open up new ideas, new methods and new methods for student management in the further development and practical application of information technology.

Scholars generally believe that the rapid development of information network technology not only brings rare opportunities to the moral education of colleges and universities, but also brings severe challenges. Tan Jianglin's "Research on Network Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities" (Hefei University of Technology Press, 2007 edition) focuses on the analysis of the new characteristics, new path and evaluation system of ideological and political education in the network era; The objectives, contents, and mechanisms of ideological and political education have been studied. Zhang Guanghui's "College Network - Research on Ideological and Political Education Mechanism Innovation" (China Speech Press, 2009 edition) believes that socialist modernization construction is bound to require colleges and universities to establish and improve college students' ideological and political education mechanism. Adhere to the people-oriented, realize the organic link between the virtual world of the network and the real world, and use advanced management methods to optimize the allocation of educational resources. Professor Luo Hongtie's "Ideological and Political Education Monograph" (Southwest Normal University Press, 2002 edition), Dai Dai's "Internet and College Moral Education: An Ethical Investigation of the Sustainable Development of Network Society" (Xinjiang University Press, 2002) ), Luo Jiaying's "Change and Construction of Moral Education Mode under the Influence of Network" (Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2005 edition) and related papers, etc. from the perspective of network culture construction, psychological perspective, and harmonious campus construction Network moral education is discussed. [1-6]

Information technology and organizational theory believe that the impact of information technology on organizations and their decision-making is not a simple linear relationship. Information technology may affect organizations and their decisions through three different ways, and on this basis, three types are formed. Different theoretical explanations, namely, technical determinism, social construction theory, and mutual structure theory. [7] The theoretical basis of this research is the theory of mutual structure. It is believed that the influence of information technology on the work department of colleges and universities and other departments and their subjects is the process of information technology and the construction of these departments and subjects. On the one hand, the introduction of information technology will The student management department and other departments or entities respond to internal structural adjustments. On the other hand, the student work department and other departments and their subjects will correct, improve and innovate the use of information technology. Can information technology effectively enhance students? The performance of management and services depends primarily on how information technology is optimally integrated with these sectors and entities.

Second, information technology promotes the realization mechanism of student management innovation

The introduction of information technology has created a space for the transformation of university students' management and service, and improved efficiency. At the same time, it has also explored an unprecedented new mechanism for the innovation of moral education. With the introduction of information technology represented by the Internet and the combination of virtuality and reality of educational methods, the scope of student management has changed from tangible to intangible. The basic concept of management has shifted from "management-oriented, service-assisted" “Service-oriented, management-assisted”, management methods have shifted from single to diversified. The use of information technology will promote the reconstruction of student management work system, promote the improvement of management efficiency, provide a platform for students' self-management, promote equal interaction between teachers and students, and provide corresponding implementation mechanism for student management innovation.

1. Information technology can create a distinctive network culture environment and promote students' personality development and comprehensive development.

The development of the Internet is deeply affecting the development of the education work of the socialist core value system in the new and new stages of China. The virtuality, rapidity, convenience and comprehensive characteristics of the network are both the beginning of the opportunity and the coming of the challenge for the education of the human moral universal value system. Moral education educators in colleges and universities must fully recognize the positive and negative effects brought about by the network, analyze and summarize them in a timely manner, and solve new problems arising. College students in the information age live in three levels of society, namely, the human society, the small campus society, and the virtual society. A healthy and up-to-date network culture environment can cultivate students' positive attitudes towards life, noble moral sentiments, good humanistic accomplishments and elegant aesthetic appeals, so that the students' ideological realm can be sublimated, and thus their overall quality can be comprehensively improved.

The universal value system of college students' human morality in the network age must pay attention to the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture, strengthen the belief of college students in national rejuvenation, and enhance the theoretical consciousness and self-confidence of college students. At the same time, develop a network culture with Chinese style and Chinese style. It is necessary to use the campus network as a carrier to give full play to the advantages of network communication, strengthen the campus culture construction of colleges and universities, and create a cultural atmosphere and educational environment that is full of the spirit of the times, adhering to the fine traditions, advocating a good academic atmosphere, and carrying forward the lofty ideals.

The vigorous development of the network provides a platform for fully demonstrating the individuality of the people, and also provides the possibility for the comprehensive development of people. Marxist theory of the all-round development of human beings believes that the principle of individual development requires that the development of individuality must be unified with all-round development, which provides a theoretical reference for the education of the universal value system of human morality in college students. We must follow the quality requirements of talents in China's modernization construction in the 21st century, combine the content of moral education with the content of human moral universal value system, promote the development of mental health of college students, tap the intellectual potential of students, and educate the universal value system of human morality. The content is time, targeted and open.

2. Information technology can promote the construction of a new student management system

The traditional student work management system includes a complete management of the whole process of college students from enrollment to the university life. [8] Specifically includes student information and class construction management, enrollment management, orientation management, student dormitory management, award evaluation management, student financial management, student moral education management, student club activity management, student mental health management, employment management, and separation School-based management and other aspects of information, involving the education and management of students in all aspects of school. [9]

In the process of introducing modern information technology to develop information data resources, the management department needs to actively carry out the construction of the basic database according to the needs of student education, and gradually form various databases covering all levels of student management. Relying on these data to establish application systems such as data analysis, dynamic monitoring, and decision support, the academic department can fully grasp the information of all levels of student training, so as to provide technical support for students' management and services in a timely manner. For example, the student status management system, the student selection system, etc. all need the support of an intermediate basic database. [10] On the basis of doing these tasks, it is necessary to further develop other types of information and data resources, build corresponding databases, and provide basic support for other student management application systems. At present, there are still phenomena such as low coverage of public education resources and low information disclosure rate in the management and service of college students. In the construction of the new student management system, the unique role of informationization can be used to promote the optimization and upgrading of student management. The traditional manual management process will be replaced by a network-based information application system. Teachers and academic staff can handle student affairs at any time and any place, making the education and management process run more smoothly and conveniently. In addition, by effectively storing management process data, management is also more transparent, and management is regulated.

3. Information technology can promote the improvement of student management efficiency

Through the construction and gradual expansion of the basic database, the information of all levels of student education and management can be digitized, the data collection can be realized accurately, the data management can be unified, the data utilization can be shared, and the past data collection can be completely inaccurate. The disadvantages of weak correlation between data and inconvenient data use can provide accurate, timely and convenient data information services for relevant departments such as academics, and provide effective training for students' education, service measures, and student growth dynamics. stand by.

Taking advantage of information technology to provide support for student education management innovation through informationization, it also reflects the integration of information resources, the coordination of management mechanisms, and the comprehensive utility; through the integrated electronic data exchange platform, the exchange and integration of information resources of various departments within the school, Realize information from static management to dynamic management, from single-item management to integrated management, so as to better meet the current needs of student management and services in the network age. Through the network information exchange platform, network sharing is realized, the system grasps basic information such as student status, employment, education, etc., overcomes various barriers in reality, establishes information networking within the province and even the whole country, realizes cross-regional services, and enables students to enter different places. Mutual recognition of credits is technically possible, ensuring dynamic and accurate information and improving work efficiency. The use of information technology to manage data and processes makes it possible to achieve the work and efficiency that traditional manual management cannot achieve, and to achieve high efficiency, scientific, refined and humanized management.

4. Information technology can promote the interaction mechanism between educators and students

The powerful interactive features of information technology help to smooth the communication channels between the educators and students. Using the information window to establish an effective channel for teachers, management departments at all levels to communicate with students is one of the important means to achieve effective communication, understanding of students and problems. Adhering to the people-oriented management service concept, using the network information window to publish various types of management service information and providing various management services is also one of the important ways for universities to achieve a harmonious campus. Especially in the Internet age, students' individuality is manifested, the awareness of openness and fairness is constantly increasing, and students' thinking is more active. In this context, relying on the information platform, through the targeted study and opinion polls, the students can immediately understand the mental state and behavioral awareness of the student group, conduct regular analysis of teaching quality and management efficiency, and combine the factors of instability. Dynamic understanding, comprehensive use of network monitoring, combined with traditional security measures, can establish a three-dimensional security system to prevent extreme events in students. The introduction of information technology can also provide a reliable platform for standardizing and building student self-management systems. For example, the establishment of autonomous self-discipline and information disclosure platform for students, forming a convenient channel for students to independently build their own style of study and self-management.

Third, the application of information technology in the management innovation of college students

1. Problems in the introduction of information technology in student management innovation

(1) Lack of innovation in the ideological and political education concept of colleges and universities

Judging from the current situation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the current application of ideological and political education to modern information technology is still very limited, especially the lack of innovation in the ideological and political education concept of colleges and universities. On the one hand, there is a lack of advanced modern educational concepts. The lively online interaction and modern education methods popular among college students have not been well applied to ideological and political education and student work. Modern service-oriented ideological and political education concepts such as online interaction have failed to improve the overall quality of college students. On the other hand, the ideological and political education concept still follows the traditional face-to-face or one-way positive indoctrination model, and has not yet established a modern information education concept. Some workers and administrators engaged in ideological and political education in colleges and universities have failed to grasp the characteristics and laws of ideological and political education in university networks under the new conditions of the new era, and cannot control this new type of tools. This has made this new type of ideological education model still in its infancy and has not yet played its due role.

(2) There is a contradiction between the acceleration of informationization and the weak campus infrastructure

To use information technology to drive the informationization process of higher education and accelerate student management innovation requires a corresponding information infrastructure. First of all, in terms of hardware conditions, the campus information infrastructure has a certain scale, and it is necessary to strengthen the promotion and application of mobile Internet and 4G technologies. The rapid development of information technology affects and changes the social lifestyle in terms of breadth and depth. Although wireless broadband networks (3G+WLAN) and optical fiber communication networks in colleges and universities have long been mature and widely used, there are still obvious deficiencies in the use effect and service quality. Secondly, in terms of ideological and political education and student management software conditions, but still can not adapt to the development requirements of information technology; mobile Internet has entered a period of rapid development, is affecting and changing students' learning and life patterns in all aspects, between teachers and students, The use of new transmission tools for students to communicate more and more frequently, especially the application of SMS, network and Weibo, WeChat, the subversive changes in the speed, scope and approach of information dissemination. In addition, universities have not really established an integrated information network, and the information collection process is very weak. Therefore, based on the network (Internet, mobile Internet) and information technology, the in-depth improvement of student management and service level has become an urgent and urgent need of colleges and universities.

(3) Insufficient information technology potential

The application of modern information and communication technology in the construction and management of campus information network is not deep enough. In order to better apply information technology to paperless networked office and student management such as information collection, information processing, information transmission and information inquiry, it is necessary to Integrate electronic process management and services through modern computer network technology to integrate information resources and key data needed and maintained by various departments in the school; and also mine, analyze and utilize information for management at a deeper level, thereby improving work efficiency and improving Serving students' abilities. At present, in the process of campus information construction, the school office (or student work department) establishes a student management system, the academic affairs department is responsible for teaching management, establishing a student status management system, the finance department establishes a student consumption management system, and the library is responsible for student books. Data lending management system. The business departments in school management often adopt a bottom-up decentralized construction management approach, resulting in low effective utilization of information, imperfect interactive functions of various information platforms, weak integration of resources, and internal departments. The integration of information system resources between departments is not effective enough, and the connection between information and business processes is not tight enough, resulting in self-enclosure, fragmentation and information isolation of networks and information systems. Even some departments have adopted advanced information systems, but the collection of information resources is still in disorder or ineffective state, which leads to the extremely scattered information resources, and the lack of corresponding integration and management, so that the operation effect is not satisfactory.

(4) Campus information security is in its infancy

China's information security is still in its infancy. Some campus information management participants do not pay attention to the threats faced by information assets, or limit their information security awareness to IT. They have not yet formed clear and reasonable information security measures to guide the organization's information security. Management, information security management system is not perfect, necessary safety laws and regulations and risk prevention education and training are still lacking. At the same time, heavy security technology and light security management have become a common phenomenon. Sometimes information security is increasingly facing privacy protection and ethical issues, which also pose challenges for student management innovation.

2. Thoughts and methods of using information technology to promote student management innovation

(1) Establishing the concept of informationization to support students' education management innovation

The automation and communication functions provided by information technology help to build various management application systems and improve the efficiency of management; the powerful communication and interaction functions of information technology help to smooth communication channels with students; Application platform, carrying out management mechanism innovation and application, can continuously improve the level of student management and service, and make the network a new means of inheriting the universal value of human morality. Colleges and universities should pay attention to the construction of the network platform, carry out online forums, online exchanges, online debates, online teaching and other activities with the theme of universal moral education of human morality. In the campus blogs and forums, the universal value of human morality runs through the news reports. Through mutual exchanges, dialogue and active infiltration, we will advocate positive, healthy, civilized and progressive values, continuously improve and enhance the network platform, strengthen the national spirit, and enhance the propaganda and influence of the network.

(2) Expanding the psychological quality of college students and clearing the channels for college students to better accept moral education

In the Internet age, diverse ideological concepts and value judgments are more likely to have an impact on mainstream ideology. College students are in a period of rapid maturity, showing many transitional states in terms of psychological quality and characteristics. Therefore, value education should be developed through the psychological quality of college students, and cultivate students' sound personality, positive attitude towards life and social adaptability, and stimulate their psychological identity to sound personality values. The universal value education of college students' human morality is a long-term and arduous systemic project. All members of the university must act, make full use of information technology, create an environment for students to become talented, and form a joint force for the education of sound values.

(3) Integrate network resources, broaden network education classrooms, and occupy online education positions

The network is known as the “fourth media” after newspapers, radio and television. It is an online position for carrying out moral education for college students. To do a good job in moral education for college students, it is necessary to build a quality website first. In these websites, we constantly promote correct and healthy and positive ideology and culture, let college students actively seek advanced culture, and give full play to the initiative and initiative of college students' independent learning. This is the way to effectively carry out moral education in network conduct.

The development of the network has changed the teaching characteristics of traditional moral education. By integrating network resources, the moral education class can be put on the network. First, the content of the moral education class can be integrated through the network. The ideological and political teachers can promptly put online hot issues. Moved to the classroom, using relevant knowledge theory to conduct practical analysis and interpretation, so as to achieve the purpose of moral education; at the same time, due to the continuous popularization and development of the network, we can continue to expand the way of moral education, and move the morality class to the network. On the road, according to the way that college students like to see and hear, the educational content is presented in a safe, dynamic and interactive way, which overcomes the unity of classroom teaching. Through the broadening of content and ways, network moral education can play its role better.

Fourth, the conclusion

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:Firstly, on the basis of combing and summarizing the relevant research literatures at home and abroad, with the help of information technology and organizational theory, the realization mechanism of information technology to promote college students' education and management innovation is constructed.

Secondly, it analyzes the main problems faced by college students' moral education in the current network environment, and points out that in the process of using information technology to promote student management innovation, there is still a lack of innovation in educational concepts, insufficient information network infrastructure construction, and insufficient information technology potential. Sufficient, information security is in the initial stage and many other weak links. Based on this, the ideas and methods of using information technology to support student management innovation are proposed.

What is certain is that information technology has opened up a new kind of thinking for student management innovation and provides a reliable means. Information technology will certainly provide more support and vitality for higher education innovation, and play a role in improving the level of education modernization in China. Unique and important role.


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