Multi-station level flat automatic hot stamping machine


The multi-position leveling automatic stamping machine includes a conveyer sleeve, a conveying platform, a first stamping station, an anodized aluminum foil transfer sleeve of the first stamping station, and a second stamping station. The station, the second stamping station, the lengthwise transfer sleeve of the galvanized aluminum foil, the delivery cover for collecting the printed sheeted substrate, and the substrate positioning and transport system for driving the movement of the sheet substrate. The multi-station flat automatic press has a reasonable design structure, which can enable two or more hot stamping processes to be performed simultaneously on a sheet substrate in a single cycle, which can save cost and operation time.

Source: China Packaging News

Speed Turnstile Gates

Speed Turnstile Gate: a brand new Bi-directional speed turnstile gate, which is also a Speed barrier gate. It has a fast response speed. The opening time is seconds each time. The speed pass can be adjusted. Generally, the pass speed of fingerprint speed barrier gate is very fast, more than twice that of ordinary turnstile gate, which can facilitate pedestrians to pass quickly, which is a major advantage of RFID speed turnstile gate.

Speed Barrier Gate,Bi-Directional Speed Turnstile Gate,Rfid Speed Turnstile Gate,Fingerprint Speed Barrier Gate

Guangdong Zecheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd ,