Model Design of Reusable Learning Objects Constructed in LCMS (2)

Third, the internal structure and relationship of RLO and RIO

Based on the above discussion, we find that the internal operation state of RLOR is very complicated. It involves not only the movement state of RLO itself, but also the complex movement of some elements (such as RIO) inside RLO. 1. The internal structure of RLO (Reusable learning object) and RIO (Reusa-ble information object) is based on the internal operation of RLOR. It is not difficult to see the general structure of RLO. An RLO consists of a preview, summary, evaluation, and five to nine RIOs. An RLO is based on a single learning objective and comes from a special learning task. Each of these RIOs is based on meeting the RLO learning goals. In studying the internal construction of the RLO, we must take into account reusable information objects (RIOs). At the micro level, each RLO contains 7+-2 RIOs internally: from a teaching perspective. We can think of RLO as a lesson. RIO can be seen as part of a class. According to the above explanation, each RIO is built on a single learning goal. It consists of content projects, practical projects, and assessment projects. According to the classification of knowledge, we can further divide RIO into five categories: concept, facts, steps, processes, and principles, each of which is accompanied by a model. This allows the producer to better build RIO.

2. RLO and RIO Hierarchy

From the respective internal structures of RLO and RIO, we can visually treat RLO as a lesson and RIO as part of a class. According to the needs of the learner, an RLO can be composed of multiple RIOs. As for the RLO or RIO, how to form a higher-level content form. This depends on the needs of creators and learners and the packaging provided in LCMS.

Fourth, LCMS environment to build a model of RLO

1. Related international standards

Described according to LTSC's LOM standard. The LOM standard is mainly for the learners or teaching staff to provide support for the search, assessment, acquisition and use of learning objects, and also supports the sharing and exchange of learning objects. The LOM model describes the data structure of the learning object metadata, which is mainly used to standardize the basic data in the RLO structure. The IMS Content Packaging Specification (CP) defines a standard data structure that can be used to exchange learning content so that it can be easily imported, exported, merged, and split. We played a key role in binding the specific RLO model

2. The proposed model

Based on the foregoing discussion, in combination with the prior art strategy ideas and international standards, the author proposed an RLO construction model in LCMS. The strategy adopted by RIO builds is based on the consideration of creating small objects that can be combined to meet the needs of learners and creators. According to the internal structure of RLO and RIO, we can conclude that the RLO is composed of preview, summary, evaluation and five to nine RIOs, each of which is composed of content items, practice items, and evaluation items. According to the structure of the two, the author proposed an RLO model diagram in the LCMS environment (Figure 2):

According to various characteristics of LCMS and the internal structure features of RLO and RIO, the order in which the learner invokes RLO and RIO is completely adaptive. Therefore, the relationship between RLO and RIO and the relationship between RIO and RIO is extremely complicated. The figure above shows an RLO internal construction model, which contains five to nine RIOs of any combination of five types (concepts, facts, steps, processes, principles).

Learners need to perform pretests before learning the RLOtf; then perform evaluations: Then begin to learn the knowledge, RIO combination units, summary knowledge; post-test, and then evaluate; and finally exit the learning RLO state. The effect of the learner learning the RLO is completely determined by the learner's current state, personality, and various complex relationships within the LCMS. Among them, learning this RLO, assessment has always been through the study, which shows the importance of formative evaluation to carry out learning activities. In learning RIO internal different types of RIOt, but also according to the entry, pre-test, learning content projects, learning and practicing projects, post-test, exit order. Need to refer here. The assessment of each learning content within the RLO is formed by a special combination of RIO assessment items.

(to be continued)

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