How to control the ink thickness of the substrate

The thickness of the ink printed on the substrate affects the quality of the product. The effect of ink thickness on product quality In general, the thicker the ink, the greater its viscosity and the less fluidity of the ink. The ink is too thick, the ink in the ink fountain is not easy to ink, and the ink on the ink roller is not easy to make even, so that the ink on the printing plate can not maintain uniform, and it is easy to accumulate on the printing plate, and can also cause phenomena such as paper pulling. If the ink is too thin, the viscosity is too small, and the fluidity is too large, the printing product will be light and distorted, the distortion of the dots will be expanded, and the paste will be blurred. At the same time, the phenomenon of dirtiness will be easily caused.

From the nature of the ink, magenta ink and black ink should be thickened, followed by blue ink, yellow ink, light red, light blue, and so on.

From the layout of the layout of the layout, in the printing of large-scale field version, the ink should be thinned, the field version can be printed in plain clothes, not easy to pull the hair; but when printing cable version, the ink thickness is required to prevent the deformation of the network point to expand, Hair paste.

From the climatic point of view, when the temperature is high, the fluidity of the ink increases. Therefore, in order to properly control the fluidity of the ink, the thickness of the ink should be adjusted. When the temperature is low, the fluidity of the ink is reduced. Therefore, the thickness of the ink should be reduced. When the climate is dry, the ink should also be thinned.

From the speed of machine operation, the speed of the machine is fast. When the ink roller is in rapid operation, it will generate heat and the fluidity of the ink will increase. Therefore, the ink should be thickened; on the contrary, the machine speed is slow, and the heat generated by the ink roller is running. Relatively lower, so the ink should be thinned properly.

From the viewpoint of paper smoothness, the surface of the paper is rough, and the texture is soft. When the absorption is large, the ink should be thinned; on the contrary, the ink should be thickened because the ink is too thin and it can easily cause the drawbacks.

Multifunctional Children's Study Table Chair Set

Myopia in children is mostly caused by bad habits in the learning process, such as improper sitting posture and poor lighting. The learning environment created by a good learning table is still helpful for preventing myopia, so buy anti-myopia learning desks for children. There is still a certain effect, let children develop good study habits, which will accompany them for a lifetime.

After the child goes to school, they can use the study table. The study table on the market can adjust the height of the table according to the height of the child. The study table is an essential tool for children to do homework. For example, there is a great and handsome study table on the market. The function is intelligent lifting and lowering, and the desktop can be folded. , When a person sits in front of the table, they naturally enter the concave table top, and the two arms droop naturally. Because the two elbows are supported by the concave plate, the body naturally does not lean forward, which effectively solves the shortcomings of lying on the stomach to write and study. When shopping for a Study Desk, be sure to keep these must-have features in mind. The focus of the study table is to correct the sitting posture and prevent myopia, which is a foldable study table with a concave table top.


Children's learning table and chair set,Multi-functional learning seat set,Family learning seats for children,The seat kit

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