The pattern on the packaging bags of sauces and sauce products will always darken and fade, and it is easy to compound delamination and packaging breakage bags. How did these problems arise? How to solve these problems?
Reasons for the discoloration of packaging bags of sauces and sauces
There are two main reasons for darkening and discoloring the pattern of the packaging bags of sauces and sauces: the color of the pattern is darkened by the color of the sauce, or the printing ink on the packaging mask is eroded by the salt and the spicy material of the sauce and the sauce. Fading; Secondly, the cause of the delamination of the composite film in the packaging bags of sauces and sauces is mostly due to the poor resistance to leakage of the inner membrane of the packaging, and the penetration of oil and salt through the inner membrane of the adhesive.
Why break bags? How to avoid breaking bags?
Jam and sauce products plastic composite packaging broken bags, most of the packaging bag sealing paste and other products, no heat sealing on the reason. Therefore, special attention should be paid to plastic composite packaging for making sauces and sauces:
1, because the sauce, sauce product packaging background color if you can not cover the sauce, sauce product color, then the color of the packaging pattern will be darkened. Therefore, when designing a packaging pattern, the color of the contents is estimated, and the background color is deepened or the hiding power is strengthened, and the color of the sauce and the sauce product is prevented from passing through or less through the background of the pattern.
2. For the composite intima packaged with sauce and sauce products, use oil-repellent, gas-barrier, and salt-resistant aggressive films. Do not use one-component adhesive compound without curing adhesive film to prevent the oil of sauces and sauce products. The quality, salt, and spicy materials penetrate the inner film and the composite film, so that the printing ink in the packaging mask will not be eroded. Of course, the color of the pattern of the packaging of the sauce and the sauce product will not fade due to erosion.
3. For the packaging of sauces and sauces, in addition to the use of an anti-seepage and leakage-resistant inner film, two-component polyurethane adhesives should be used for compounding. Appropriately increasing the amount of sizing and prolonging the curing time of the composite film makes it difficult for the oil, salt, and pungent substances in the sauce and sauce products to penetrate the intima. The cured adhesive layer is returned to the adhesive, or the adhesive film penetrates and erodes the ink layer. This will greatly reduce the phenomenon of delamination of the composite packaging film due to the composite adhesive and deinking.
4. Improve the tools for filling sauces and paste products to avoid contaminating the seals of the bags. This will reduce the failure of heat-sealed packaging and reduce the damage rate of the bags.
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