When rubbing the Zusanli acupuncture points to stop stomach pain, use your hands and thumb to rub the legs of the patient. Zusanli points three inches below the knee and a horizontal finger at the lateral side of the sacrum. After three to five minutes after swelling, the stomachache can be significantly reduced to disappear.
Sputum middle finger nail root relieves angina pectoris when angina attack, can not find nitroglycerin tablets for a time, others can use the thumb nail file in patients with nail roots, so that it has a significant pain, can also be a pressure release, adhere to three to five minutes symptoms can be alleviated .
Pinch the tiger's mouth to treat syncope and syncope, that is, pale, nausea, nausea, and cold sweats. At this time, other people can use the thumb index finger to pinch the patient's hand to the tiger's mouth (ie, Hegu Point) and pinch pressure more than ten times when he or she generally wakes up.
Point pressure Tianshu acupuncture treatment of constipation constipation in the left hand when the stool pressure on the left side of the Tianshu point (located in a cm below the navel next to three centimeters), to have a sense of significant soreness that is pressed and held for one minute Right and left, there is meaning, then hold your breath, increase abdominal pressure, you can defecate.
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