Commercial logo design teaching theory summary two

Section 2 Trademarks and Brand Strategy

First, brand concept

famous brand. It is an abbreviation of a well-known product brand that has been recognized by consumers and has a high reputation in the market.
The use of famous brands of goods is known as branded products.

Enterprises that produce brand-name products are called brand-name companies. The characteristics of brand-name products are: high market awareness and large demand. Brand-name goods are usually prepared for high market share and generous profits.

Commodity brands consist primarily of brand names, trademark graphics and colors, and unique exterior or exterior packaging designs. Brand names are divided into traditional brand names and new brand names. Traditional brand names were created and passed down by predecessors. The newly-created brand is the crystallization of the wisdom and hard work of modern entrepreneurs, as well as the cadres, employees, and technicians of the company. Traditional brand names generally have a long history and well-recognized good reputation, representing a certain quality, reputation, image and market. Such as Tianjin's "dog ignore" buns, Hangzhou's "Zhang Xiaoquan" scissors and so on. However, traditional brand names often have limitations such as market limitations, variety limitations, lack of brand identity, failure to register on a wide range of markets, and inadequate legal protection. Therefore, modern enterprises cannot continue to develop and perfect the brand name for traditional brand names that cannot stay on simple “inheritance” based on changes in the international and domestic markets. Strengthen its competitiveness and improve the brand's social image. According to the market occupancy scope of brand names, brand names can be divided into local market brands, national market brands and world market famous brands. In general, brand names are developed from local markets. Shallowly seize the local market. Focusing further on the deep market in some areas is a brand development strategy. However, powerful companies should have the courage to develop their brands into national brand names and even world famous brands.

Second, the significance of creating a brand

For more than a decade, we have picked up a batch of well-known Chinese and foreign trademarks, such as: Qindao-Hair, Jianlibao, Sanjiu Taitai, Sun God, Wahaha and so on. However, on the whole, the awareness of the company's trademark is still relatively weak, and the level of strategy is not high. The lag in trademark management has affected the development of enterprises and hindered China’s products from going global. In the establishment of trademarks and trademark images, Chinese companies generally have the following problems:
First, the aging of the trademark: China has a long time to use a lot of trademarks, but not enough publicity, visibility is not high, showing varying degrees of aging, backwardness. The design of the trademark is rough, lacks novelty and creativity, and the rewriting of light and light marks, the subject matter is very similar, there is a strong local circulation, and it is not easy to spread in a wider range. The quality of trademark design examination is not high. When many companies register trademarks, they often “crawl for time” for the production or sale of certain products. Some non-professional designers are required to design, as long as they are approved, and therefore, many trademark design levels are poor. In addition, most trademarks are close to a product. It can no longer cover the current business scope of the company. The trademark capacity is small, it is difficult to apply to new products and new markets, and it is not conducive to diversification of the business;

The second is the traditional concept of "good wine is not afraid of a deep alley." Some companies consider themselves as having good quality, great influence, and a long history. They cannot sell their products and lack the ambition to develop large markets. Under this conception, many companies do not attach importance to the international registration of trademarks and many are preemptively registered by others. In the end, they can only accept foreign-branded production. Excellent products have to put on foreign traders' trademarks before they can export them, or they can buy back their trademarks at a big price, or change brands. unspeakable trouble. In addition, some state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises have regarded themselves as having a fixed customer channel and do not need to spend money to create a brand. In the past few years, some unnamed brands have been squeezed out of the market. This was the case in several TV factories in Shanghai in the 1970s and 1980s. Some companies also have the concept of quick success. Creating a famous brand is a difficult process and it won't be a job. Some business leaders believe that they can make money during their term of office, and they are reluctant to spend effort and cost to create brand names. Some joint ventures have even given up their own brand names that have been established for many years and rely on foreign brands. Some companies think that famous trademarks are unattainable. Not only increase the cost, but also invest a lot of manpower, a long time. There are fears and hardships, and they dare not claim the title of famous trademarks.

Third, the brand strategy

1. The implementation of brand strategy

Real brand names can be formed not by a company’s self-inflicted or by an institution issuing a medal. It is gradually formed during the long-term purchase and use of consumers. The real brand represents quality, represents credibility, and represents the company's commitment to consumers.

In summary, the implementation of the brand strategy depends on the following points:

(1) It is necessary to study the economic environment at home and abroad both before and after the turn of the century and make a reasonable position for the enterprise. Formulate brand-name strategic plans that are in line with the laws of the development of the market economy. among them. Consumer psychology researchers are important.
(2) Accelerate supporting reform within the enterprise Establish a business mechanism with strong incentive function, great flexibility, self-restraint, and accurate and reliable decision-making to adapt to market competition. Make brand strategy successful.
(3) It is necessary to provide a solid material foundation for brand-name strategy based on changes in the social environment, the natural environment, and technological progress.
(4) To integrate brand strategy and corporate image strategy closely with Chinese characteristics, and be welcomed by the company's general public.
[5] It is necessary to speed up the cultivation of talents so that the brand strategy can be followed by others.

2. Establish brand name

Brand name is an image and it is an important intangible asset of a company. To create such intangible assets, enterprises must go through arduous efforts and meticulous work. Specifically, we should mainly do four things.

(1) Market positioning. The so-called market positioning is based on the market competition situation and the conditions of the company to determine the position of the company's products in the target market. Chunlan Group was originally an air-conditioning plant in Taizhou, Jiangsu. Only 2 million yuan in fixed assets, annual output value of less than 10 million yuan. After director Tao Jianzhang took office, after market research and analysis, he re-positioned the product in the market. Cut down more than 30 products with poor efficiency, specializing in more than 7,000 kilowatts of cabinet air conditioners and household air conditioners below 3,000 kcal. Due to the wide pulse of the market and the establishment of a good quality-to-price ratio, the Chunlan air conditioner has been widely welcomed by consumers and has become a market name brand within a short period of time. In eight years, the value of assets has increased to 2.6 billion yuan, 1300 times. It can be seen that there is a direct causal relationship between the market positioning of the company and the success of the brand strategy.

[2] Quality control. Brand-name products should be quality products. Matsushita Fortunate had a famous mass formula "1% = 100%, that is, a unit of production had a 1% defective product. This 1% of the inferiority product has 99% of the quality products in the shame of the defective product group. He paid close attention to product quality and made the Panasonic brand a synonym for world-renowned high-quality electrical products.The famous brand not only depends on quality, but also depends on quality. The Shanghai Fenghuang bicycle has always been a famous brand product with a reputation of the whole country. Due to the neglect of quality by a few co-production plants that harmed the interests of consumers, the market share of the bicycle suddenly fell.Look at another example: Qingdao Refrigerator Factory is China's refrigerator factory Zhong Wei - through Is09001 certification of the company, its The product has won six bids in the international market, and has been rated as “the most popular product among consumers” for many years in the country. Its market sales have gone straight. The reason is that quality is consistent. It is the brand's soul and life. If a company wants to create a famous brand, it must have a comprehensive and advanced sense of quality.

(3) Selection of trademarks and names. The basis of the brand name is the brand, and the composition of the brand is the trademark graphic and name. The world today is the age of explosion of commodity information. Consumers are affected and bombarded with innumerable commodity information every day, and they often become bored. Vulgar brands and their promotion are more likely to arouse consumer aversion. Therefore, when designing and selecting trademark graphics and names, it should have a brand awareness. Goldlion is a brand name in apparel and tie products. It was formerly known as "Golden Lion." One day, Mr. Zeng Xianli, owner of the “Golden Lion” factory, sent two of his factory-produced ties to his friends. The friend was not happy to receive and said: "The Golden Lion lost all. It lost all." The original "Lion" and "lose" in the Hong Kong language were homonyms. Hong Kong people are taboo. Mr. Zeng suddenly realized the reasons for the poor sales of ties. How to do it? Mr. Zeng thought hard and finally came up with a brilliant idea. According to GoLDLIoN, the English phrase of “Golden Lion,” he translated it into “Gold Lilai” using the method of transliteration and transliteration. (GOLD is the meaning of gold in English.) L10N is the meaning of a lion, and its tone is near. Goldlion came and Jinli rolled. To discuss the splendor, plus blessings, suddenly "Gold Lila" has become a brand we all welcome. It can be seen that the name of the trademark brand and the importance of graphic design.

(4) Marketing promotion. Brand names result from unremitting marketing. Chunbu brand ham sausage, unknown before 1990, sales are very small. In 1991, the company spent huge sums of money to advertise on CCTV. Since then, its sales have soared and it has become a famous brand in China's food industry. Coca-Cola is also relying on overwhelming advertising promotions to become a world famous brand. It can be seen that only persistent advertising is done. The majority of consumers can gradually recognize the brand, and then spread information to the surrounding people, making it a brand name.

(5) Corporate philosophy. In short, the ideals and beliefs of the company. It is the foundation for the survival and development of the enterprise, the spiritual pillar for the enterprise to produce cohesion, and the driving force for creating brand names. The Sanjiu Group adheres to the spirit of arduous pioneering and strict scientific attitude throughout the production and operation. Created 999 Spleen products such as Sanjiuweitai. According to authoritative assessment, the current market value of the 999 brand has reached 3.417 billion yuan, ranking the top in domestic brand names. The value of the 999 brand comes from the success of business operations, and it is also a valuable crystallization of the company's ideals and beliefs.

Fourth, protect the brand

The ancients said: "It's easy to start a business." In the market competition, enterprises must be prepared to meet the challenges of competitors. More need to prevent illegal activities that damage the image of their products. The name brand cultivated by him should be understood and protected from a strategic point of view.

1. It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of brand name protection.

First of all, it should be registered in time to prevent others from preemptively registering or using the company’s trademark illegally to cause losses. The lessons of Changsha No. 1 Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory are worth learning from. In the 1950s, the factory registered the use of the “Jiuzhitang” trademark, and soon the product was of excellent quality, making the brand a well-known Chinese proprietary medicine brand. However, after the expiry of the registration period, the plant ignored the renewals. This brand was preemptively registered by Japanese companies, and it easily grabbed most of the plant's market. The factory used the original brand and had to use huge amounts of money to purchase the brand right from the Japanese company. This lesson is very painful.

Secondly, a number of registrations should be made to expand the brand protection area. Because brand names represent consumer recognition and represent a vast market and lucrative profits, trademarks, packaging methods, and printed designs of brand-name products often become the main targets of counterfeiters' infringement. For example, the Zhejiang Shengda Group's Jingjing products only registered “Santa” words and sun graphics, and did not pack their packaging styles and Mr. Sha Menghai’s inscription “Zhonghuanjing” and registered them, so many manufacturers used them. Approximate packaging, so that the original vendor's interests are harmed and can not be held responsible for others.

2. To raise awareness of the potential value of brand-name trademarks

How big is the potential value of a brand of a brand? We had no scientific method of estimation before. Therefore, in many occasions, the right to use the original trademark brand was transferred or abandoned at very low prices or prices, causing incalculable losses to the company. In the original Wuxi TV factory has a good reputation "Hongmei" brand. After the joint venture with foreign capital, the plant underestimated the market value of the original brand. Blindly adhering to foreign capital requirements. Change the TV brand to "Eternal". Because the new brand failed to be recognized by consumers and the factory easily gave up the old market of the old brand, the result was that the company was in trouble. It is wrong to give up the original brand easily, and it is not right to transfer the brand name at a low price. Even if someone is willing to purchase the brand of the company or product at a higher price, we should still be vigilant and take it seriously to prevent it from becoming passive in the transaction of intangible assets. Shanghai “U.S. and Canada” trademark is a household name in China and is well known.

Shanghai Liuyuan Trading Co. , Ltd. ,