The RGB-based color spaces (RGB-based color spaces) are mainly additive three-dimensional color spaces, and can use different intensities of red, green, and blue light intensities to form a wide variety of colors, such as scanners. After some amount of red, green, and blue reflected light is read on the image, the amount of light is converted into data. After the monitor receives the data and then converts the red, green, and blue light of the specified composition, the pixels are small. Reaching very close, we misunderstand in our eyes that we see many different colors.
The RGB-based color space is the most commonly used color space in computer graphics, mainly because most color displays directly support, but the colors generated in the RGB format will be different between different devices, so called "devices The affiliated color space", the genus color space, is only allowed to be directly associated with their narrated color value format on a particular device.
The color space groups within the RGB base color family include RGB space, HSV space, and HLS space. RGB space means that any color expressed in RGB space is some mixture of the three main colors red, green, and blue. The HSV and HLS spaces are terms derived from RGB space for narrative color. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and brightness. HLS stands for hue, brightness, and saturation. These are quite common and familiar in color. noun.
CMY-based Color Spaces
With CMY representing the three main colors of cyan, magenta, and yellow, the color space based on color is most often used in color printing systems. The nature of the color space is a subtractive method relative to RGB, which is also the color space to which the device belongs. CMYK uses black in addition to CMY. The printing method uses four-color ink or dyed cloth on paper. The two colors in the same ratio can be mixed to produce “secondary colors†such as red, green, and blue.
CMYK color is different because of the characteristics of the printing machine, ink, and paper. In addition, the color gamut produced by different devices is also different because the colors produced by RGB and CMYK formats are also different between devices and devices. Differences, so the device belongs to the color space. There are also many variables when converting an RGB color space into a CMYK color space. This involves device specifications, ink type, and even paper characteristics to calculate the total amount of black ink added in the dark portion and remove the other color ink in the black ink portion. The total amount.
Source: HC360 HC Printing Industry Channel
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