It is understood that the e-commerce market share in the retail market has grown steadily year by year. If a company wants to thrive in the area of ​​e-commerce, then packaging will play a crucial role.
In a survey of online consumer purchases, 58% said that if they receive damaged or broken products from online stores, they will consider buying from other online stores, or they will simply refuse to come again in the future. Store purchase. Therefore, as consumers' demand for online shopping increases, demand for excellent packaging also increases.
2017 is about to pass. What is the trend of 2018 e-commerce packaging? The five directions tell you the answer and see if you have understood it.
Consumer experience
The packaging must be able to perform its basic functions and should be optimized for a reasonable placement of the product. Amazon is one of the giants of e-commerce, and its internal packaging agreement puts forward some opinions on the packaging experience.
According to Brent Nelson, Amazon's senior manager of global packaging, Amazon's certification guidelines stipulate that sellers need to optimize their packaging to suit e-commerce. The packaging of physical retail designs does not apply online in many situations. In order to stand out on the retail shelf, the packaging is often too large, its anti-theft feature does not protect the product.
A good packaging experience will not only drive product sales, but it will also be a good helper for product promotion.
unique design
The unique packaging design can enhance consumer perception of the brand. These can be functional or purely decorative, and the effect is to give consumers a sense of excitement when they receive packages.
For example, adding augmented reality (AR) capabilities to packaging creates a highly immersive user experience (UX) for customers, making the brand more memorable. For products with a short life, AR packaging can connect brands and customers deeper.
In addition, Absolut Vodka collaborated with application maker Shazam to create a large amount of creative content, providing exclusive beverage recipes and social media content for smartphone customers. Increase brand awareness through the introduction of audience participation.
Data optimization
Optimizing warehouse management can help large warehouses to improve work efficiency. For example, adding barcodes or RFID tags can help speed up the process of picking and packaging from shelves. From the design point of view, changing the color scheme, classifying the product intuitively by "type", or describing content on multiple sides of the box can help to quickly identify the storage product.
In addition, packaging data can be analyzed to improve the efficiency of each stage of packaging development, from design to implementation.
Good packaging should improve customer satisfaction, enhance buying experience, and bridge the gap between online shopping and traditional retail shopping. For decades, luxury brands have been offering high-end packaging, but thanks to the development of personalized software over the past few years, this experience can be integrated in a cost-effective way to companies of all sizes and types.
For example, packing slips, invoices, and receipts can be used to automatically generate customer-specific packaging using the application, which will make the relationship between consumers and the brand more intimate. At the same time, consider a good unpacking experience for consumers through packaging utilities.
Reusable materials
Consumer demand for environmentally friendly packaging will expand to any type of e-commerce product. Whether you choose recycled materials or redesigned packaging, try to be as consistent as possible with the product. Bridgestone and Firestone show that 4,000 customers surveyed for car care showed that 86% were interested in sustainable, ultra-thin packaging.
Multi-purpose, space-saving and reusable design is another e-commerce brand's future development trend. Pizza Hut, which was launched last year by Pizza Hut, is a package design that can be used as a portable DJ platform. It features a cross key, volume, and alert buttons (with Bluetooth connectivity).
When considering the useful life of a product (sometimes very short), providing a reusable package gives the brand the opportunity to display its product in the user's home after the product itself has been consumed for a long period of time.
There are many aspects of establishing an e-commerce brand's reputation, and packaging plays an important role in maintaining high standards of customer service. So we can expect to see many smart, sustainable and easy-to-use packages that many online retailers have developed in the coming years.
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